Cognitive Dissonance and Climate Change: An Interview with Planet Critical
It was such a huge pleasure to be on Rachel Donald’s podcast PlanetCritical discussing all the big themes of my work, from cognitive dissonance to our falsely fixed sense of self to social infrastructure. You can check it out on youtube or here if you want audio only.
Other News: I’m Making A Podcast!
What if we admitted that carefully reasoned, evidence-based arguments rarely work? What if we accepted that changing people’s hearts and minds is a process, not an event? What if we recognized how much a radical worldview is threatening to most people? What if it’s about action, and the ideas follow?
Now we’re ready!
On each episode you’ll hear:
A social movement organizer calls in with a awkward or vexing question about a real-world problem
Max and Sarah (two friends who met in a dysfunctional commune) take sides and debate the best course of action, calling experts to help
A panel of OG organizers pass judgment.
We'll also build a toolkit off the back of this for anyone working to change hearts and minds in a progressive or radical way.
What do we want?
A podcast about the gnarly, difficult, and downright awkward questions of activism, organizing and trying to change the world. Coming Summer 2024.
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We urgently need to convince a lot of people to join movements, campaigns, mobilizations and organizations. But are our tools for changing hearts and minds fit for purpose? Why do we always seem to hit a wall in our organizing and never convince a majority (or even a sizable minority)? Why does the right unite and the left divide? And are we all just doomed to burn out after a few years?
Writings and Talks
New article out: Two Remarkable Things About Jesus
“They’re bombing you to help you”: interview about cognitive dissonance and the conflict in Ukraine